INDEXES of IGOR Pro FilesUpdate FTP Archive

The FilesUpdate directory contains WaveMetrics updaters to the Igor application and updated installed files for Igor 4, 5, and 6.

The updated installed files were typically uploaded between releases of Igor, and the later versions of Igor incorporated the changes, even improving on them. Nonetheless, the updated files can be of use to older versions of Igor that entirely lack these files.

However, some of the files are not included with Igor: they were developed to address customer questions and uploaded to the FTP site for sharing with other customers.

INDEX of Japanese FilesUpdate FTP Archive

  • (Mac)

    Igor4_J_Updater.exe (Win)

    These updaters convert Igor Pro 4.01J, 4.02J, 4.02AJ, 4.03J, 4.04J or 4.05AJ into Igor Pro 4.06AJ.

    If you are running under Mac OS X, after updating, run Igor Pro Carbon and choose the following menu item: Windows→Help Windows→What's Different In Carbon.

    The Macintosh updater updates both the pre-Carbon and Carbon versions of Igor Pro and works only on a Mac that can run PowerPC programs.

    NOTE: In order for the updater to work, your Igor Pro folder must be named "Igor Pro Folder" exactly.

    If you have a problem with the updater, please re-install from your Igor Pro CD-ROM, and then run the updater again.

  • (Mac) converts Macintosh versions of Igor Pro 4.06AJ, 4.07J, 4.08J or 4.09J into Igor Pro 4.09AJ.

    Igor_408J_Updater.exe (Win)

    Igor_408J_Updater.exe converts Windows versions of Igor Pro 4.01J, 4.02J, 4.02AJ, 4.03J, 4.04J, 4.05AJ, 4.06AJ or 4.07J into Igor Pro 4.08J.

    If you are running under Mac OS X, after updating, run Igor Pro Carbon and choose the following menu item: Windows→Help Windows→What's Different In Carbon.

    The Macintosh updater updates both the pre-Carbon and Carbon versions of Igor Pro and works only on a Mac that can run PowerPC programs.

    NOTE: In order for the updater to work, your Igor Pro folder must be named "Igor Pro Folder" exactly.

    NOTE: If your version of Igor Pro is earlier than 4.06AJ, you must quit this updater and download and run another updater to get to 4.06AJ. Then you must run this updater.

    If you have a problem with the updater, please re-install from your Igor Pro CD-ROM, and then run the updaters again.

  • (Mac)

    Igor5_J_Updater.exe (Win)

    Updates Igor 5.0J through 5.04J to Igor 5.05J.

    The Macintosh updater updates both the pre-Carbon and Carbon versions of Igor Pro and works only on a Mac that can run PowerPC programs.

  • IgorPro603AJ With Icon (Mac)

    This is the same as Igor Pro 6.03AJ for Mac OS X except that it includes debugger icons that were inadvertently omitted from 6.03AJ.

    You will need a Japanese-specific serial number and activation key to convert this from demo mode to a fully functional version of Igor Pro 6.03J.

INDEX of (English) FilesUpdate FTP Archive

For Igor Version 4

  • HowToUpdateIgorPro4.txt

    Describes how to update any Igor 4 to the latest version.

  • MacUpdateIgorto4.09A.bin

    Updates any Macintosh Igor 4 to Igor 4.09A.

    The Macintosh updater updates both the pre-Carbon and Carbon versions of Igor Pro and works only on a Mac that can run PowerPC programs.

    You can uncompress the .bin file using The Unarchiver, available here.

  • WinUpdateIgorTo409A.exe

    Updates any Windows Igor 4 to Igor 4.09A.

  • Igor

    Igor Reference.ihf for Igor 4.09A.

  • (Mac) (Win)

    This example experiment provides documentation, code and examples for data acquisition into Igor using hand-held digital multimeters and digital thermometers equipped with serial ports. This experiment is aimed at experienced Igor programmers and is not recommended for novices.

    These are the meters supported at the present time:

    1. The Summit SDM786 and Summit 85/86
    2. The Radio Shack 46-Range Digital Multimeter, model 22-812
    3. The Omega HH509R dual thermocouple meter

  • (Mac) (Win)

    Jan 18, 2003, version 1.4b01

    MultiPeakFit XOPs and help.

    The MultiPeakFit XOP adds the a number of peak fit function XFUNCs to Igor: variations on GaussFit, LorentzianFit, Voigt, VoigtFit, ExpGauss, ExpGaussFit, ExpConvExp and ExpConvExpfit.

  • uninstallAll3xand4xIgorKeys.reg (Win)

    uninstallAll3xand4xIgorKeys.txt (ReadMe)

    Registry cleaning file for Windows.

    To solve some problems with uninstalling Igor 3 or 4 (which may prevent you from installing Igor 4 correctly) you can completely remove all traces of Igor from your computer by following these instructions.

    Uninstall Igor by either:

    1. Selecting Remove Igor Pro from the Igor Pro program group,
    2. or Open the Add/Remove Programs control panel, select Igor Pro from the list, and click the Add/Remove button.

    This may leave traces of the Igor installation in the Windows registry.

    You can remove these registry entries by right-clicking the uninstallAll3xand4xIgorKeys.reg file in Windows Explorer, and choosing Merge from the resulting popup menu.

    You can then remove Igor's installation directory, typically C:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder.

    Now Igor is completely removed from your computer. This is a good way to prepare for a "clean installation" of Igor 4.

For Igor Version 5


    PDF Manual for Igor Pro 5.

  • (Mac)

    WinUpdateIgor5ToLatest.exe (Win)

    July 10, 2006

    Updaters to update Igor to Igor 5.05A.

    This updater looks on your startup disk for an application whose name is exactly "Igor Pro" and has a version number of 5.00, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.04A, or 5.04B (previous release versions) and updates it to Igor 5.05A.

    The updater will indicate that it will install "Igor Extensions" into that file's folder (the Igor Pro Folder).

    You can use the popup (bottom left) to choose the Igor Pro Folder to install into.

    The updater will update Igor Pro to version 5.05A and install the changed Igor extensions and other changed files.

    The Macintosh updater updates both the pre-Carbon and Carbon versions of Igor Pro and works only on a Mac that can run PowerPC programs.

  • uninstallAll3x4x5xIgorKeys.reg (Win)

    uninstallAll3x4x5xIgorKeys.txt (ReadMe)

    Registry cleaning file for Windows.

    To solve some problems with uninstalling Igor 3, 4 or 5 (which may prevent you from installing Igor 5 correctly) you can completely remove all traces of Igor from your computer by following these instructions.

    Uninstall Igor by either:

    1. Selecting Remove Igor Pro from the Igor Pro program group,
    2. or Open the Add/Remove Programs control panel, select Igor Pro from the list, and click the Add/Remove button.

    This may leave traces of the Igor installation in the Windows registry.

    You can remove these registry entries by right-clicking the uninstallAll3x4x5xIgorKeys.reg file in Windows Explorer, and choosing Merge from the resulting popup menu.

    You can then remove Igor's installation directory, typically C:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder.

    Now Igor is completely removed from your computer. This is a good way to prepare for a "clean installation" of Igor 5.


    MLLoadWave_OSX.xop and MLLoadWave Help.ihf

    Version 5.51, May 24 2004, Mac OS X only, requires Igor Pro 5.00 or later.

    MLLoadWave is an Igor extension that loads Matlab MAT-files into Igor Pro. We have not tested Matlab file formats after version 5 but in theory MLLoadWave should be able to load them.

    MLLoadWave adds a menu item to Igor's Load Waves submenu (in the Data menu). It also adds the MLLoadWave command line operation.

    Under Mac OS X, MLLoadWave_OSX.xop does not run unless you have installed and configured the necessary Mathworks-supplied shared libraries. The libraries are shipped with Matlab and installed in your Matlab directory when you install Matlab. The configuration is explained in the included help file.

  • NIGPIB2 XOPs for Igor 5.05A

    Sep 9, 2004

    NIGPIB2 is an Igor external operation (XOP) that permits you to control a National Instruments GPIB board from Igor's command line or from an Igor procedure. It works on both Macintosh and Windows.

    For Mac OS X, use the NIGPIB2_OSX XOP instead of the NIGPIB2 XOP. As of this writing, National Instruments supports only the GPIB-ENET/100 hardware on Mac OS X.

    This version of NIGPIB2 requires Igor Pro 5.0 or later.

    NIGPIB2 sprang from NIGPIB, an earlier XOP. The main difference is that the operations added by NIGPIB2 can be used from user functions. For new programs, you should use NIGPIB2. Old Igor programs can continue to use the old NIGPIB XOP until the opportunity arises to convert them to use NIGPIB2.

    NIGPIB2 (Use for all new programming) (Win) (Mac OS X) (Mac, version 1.01)

  • GISLoadWave XOP

    Sep 9, 2004, version 1.0 (Mac)

    GISLoadWave.xop and GISLoadWave Help.ihf.

    GISLoadWave is an external operation that loads data from USGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Line Graph (DLG) files into Igor waves. GISLoadWave handles both traditional and SDTS-formatted versions of these files. This version of GISLoadWave requires Igor Pro 4.0 or later.

    The GISLoadWave XOP adds four command line operations to Igor: DEMLoadWave, DEMSDTSLoadWave, DLGOLoadWave and DLGSDTSLoadWave.

    In addition, the package includes a help file and a procedure file, GISLoadWaveProcs.ipf.

    The procedure file includes a few procedures to handle graphing and coloring DLG data sets. The procedure file includes comments to help you use the functions defined in the file.

For Igor Version 6


    Igor 6.01 tutorial experiments for learning about the following subjects with Igor:

    • X Scaling (the "Waveform Model of Data")
    • Data Folders
    • User-defined Curve Fitting

    NOTE: For Igor Pro 6.00 only; Igor 6.01 and later have improved tutorials.


    Igor 6.04 replacements for files in WaveMetrics Procedures:Analysis folder:

    • FilterDialog.ipf
    • Pole And Zero Filter Design.ipf

    NOTE: Igor 6.04 and later have improved versions of these procedures.


    Igor 6.05 replacements for the 2D Pie Chart procedure files in WaveMetrics Procedures:Graphing folder:

    • PieChart.ipf
    • PieChart.ihf

    NOTE: Igor 6.05 and later have improved versions of these procedures.

  • uninstallAll3x4x5x6xIgorKeys.reg (Win)

    uninstallAll3x4x5x6xIgorKeys.txt (ReadMe)

    Registry cleaning file for Windows.

    To solve some problems with uninstalling Igor 3, 4, 5 or 6 (which may prevent you from installing Igor 6 correctly) you remove all traces of Igor from your computer by following these instructions.

    Uninstall Igor by either:

    1. Selecting Remove Igor Pro from the Igor Pro program group,
    2. or Open the Add/Remove Programs control panel, select Igor Pro from the list, and click the Add/Remove button.

    This may leave traces of the Igor installation in the Windows registry.

    You can remove these registry entries by right-clicking the uninstallAll3x4x5x6xIgorKeys.reg file in Windows Explorer, and choosing Merge from the resulting popup menu.

    You can then remove Igor's installation directory, typically C:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder.

    Now Igor is completely removed from your computer. This is a good way to prepare for a "clean installation" of Igor 6.