INDEXES of IGOR Pro Procedures FTP Archive

The Procedures directory contains updated WaveMetrics procedure files for Igor Pro 4, 5, and 6.

Standard WaveMetrics procedures are shipped in the WaveMetrics Procedures folder in your Igor Pro folder. Other procedure files should be placed in the User Procedures folder in your Igor Pro folder.

Typically these procedures were created between releases of Igor, and the later versions of Igor incorporated the changes, even improving on them. Nonetheless, the procedures can be of use to older versions of Igor that entirely lack these procedure files.

However, some of the procedure files are not included with Igor: they were developed to address customer questions and uploaded to the FTP site for sharing with other customers.


There are a number of ways to use procedures in Igor Pro:

  1. Copy and paste them into your Procedure window.
  2. Use the Open File menu to open the file as a procedure window.
  3. Include them in the current experiment by putting a #include "file name" statement in a procedure window after placing the procedure file in the User Procedures folder.

INDEX of IGOR_Pro_4_Procedures FTP Archive

  • CreateOrderedFileNameList.ipf

    CreateOrderedFileNameList(pathName, fileBaseName)

    Assuming there are files in the specified path with names like "Test0", "Test1", "Test2", "Test10", and "Test11", this routine creates a wave named "sortedFileNameList" that contains the file names in "numeric sorted order" (the order shown above), as opposed to strict alphabetic order. The function result is the number of file names that matched the form "<base name><number>".

    There is a sample function that shows how to use CreateOrderedFileNameList.

  • SaveTable.ipf

    November 5, 2001, Version 1.0.


    Saves the top table window as an Igor text file. Adds a menu item to the Table menu.

    The data for all of the waves in the table are saved to the Igor text file, followed by the commands to recreate the table.

    To recreate the table in another experiment, choose Data->Load Waves->Load Igor Text. When you do this, first a data folder is created with the same name as the original table. Then the waves are loaded into that data folder. Then the table is created.

    The data folder hierarchy is maintained.

    Known Limitations:
    The function does not support having just the real or just the imaginary part of a complex wave in the table and will cosmetically misbehave.

  • sparse2DCompress.ipf

    The compressSparseWave(inWave) function compresses a sparse wave into a smaller wave inside a specially-created data folder.

    The decompressSparseWave() function decompresses the sparse wave stored inside the current data folder. The current data folder is presumed to be a specially-created data folder created by compressSparseWave().

  • Transpose Waves In Table.ipf


    Transpose Waves In Table

    Makes new waves (in the current data folder) that are the transpose of the waves in the top Igor table.

    Adds a "Transpose Waves In Top Table" item to the Table menu.

    Note: This version is from Igor 4.08, subsequently revised for Igor 6.3.

INDEX of IGOR_Pro_5_Procedures FTP Archive

  • Touchstone File Loader.ipf

    Touchstone File Loader.ihf

    Version 1.0

    Touchstone is a file format for storing n-port parameter data such as is used in radio frequency engineering.

    Touchstone was originally defined by Agilent Corporation. According to Wikipedia, it later became a de facto industry-standard file format not only for circuit simulators but also for measurement equipment (e.g. vector network analyzers, or VNAs), then later still an EIA standard as part of the Input/output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) project.

    This procedure file can load data from a single Touchstone file or from all Touchstone files in a particular directory on disk.

    The Touchstone file loader adds menu items for loading Touchstone data to the Data→Load Waves menu. One of these items loads the data from one Touchstone file into Igor. The other item loads the data from all Touchstone files in a particular disk directory into Igor. Each of the procedures associated with these menu items can display the loaded data in a table, graph or both.

    The Touchstone file loader also adds menu items to the Macros menu for viewing already-loaded Touchstone data.

INDEX of IGOR_Pro_6_Procedures FTP Archive

  • Multi-peak fitting 1.4 Zero.ipf

    Version 1.43

    Multi-Peak Fitting

    This package can fit multiple overlapping peaks using one of five basic peak fit types: Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, ExpGauss and ExpConvExp.

    The full Multi-peak package is composed of four procedure files, "Multi-peak fitting 1.4.ipf", "Peak AutoFind.ipf", "Manual Peak Adjust.ipf" and "Peak Functions.ipf", along with an XOP module named "MultiPeakFit.xop".

    The file "Peak Functions.ipf" contains user-defined function versions of the fitting functions. In addition, for much greater speed, external function versions (XFUNCs) of the fitting functions are available in the More Extensions folder. The XFUNC versions have the same names as the ones in the "Peak Functions.ipf" procedure file except they do not start with the letter f.

    Note: Instructions are in Igor 6's "Multi-peak Fit 1.4" experiment in the Examples:Curve Fitting folder. That experiment also contains sample data and a guided tour.

    Note: Igor 6 has an improved version of Multi-Peak Fitting (Version 2).