Igor Pro 9
This page contains older installers for Igor Pro 9, both Macintosh and Windows versions.
For the latest version of Igor Pro, click here.
See the Release announcements page for information on changes in each release.
Igor Pro 9.00 Installer (Windows 7-11)
Igor Pro 9.01 Installer (Windows 7-11)
Igor Pro 9.02 Installer (Windows 7-11)
Igor Pro 9.03 Installer (Windows 7-11)
Igor Pro 9.04 Installer (Windows 7-11)
Igor Pro 9.00 Installer (macOS 10.13 to 10.14)
Igor Pro 9.01 Installer (macOS 10.13 to 10.14)
Igor Pro 9.02 Installer (macOS 10.13 to 10.14)
Igor Pro 9.03 Installer (macOS 10.13 to 10.14)
Igor Pro 9.04 Installer (macOS 10.13 to 10.14)